lördag 7 april 2012


Today was a lovely day. The sun was shining and everyone thought it was warm outside, but in reality it was 2 degrees celsius. Welcome to Sweden. Anyway, me and my dear friend Miranda went to town and looked in shops and tried on glittery shirts with cat prints in vintage shops and ate McDonalds and quoted Mean Girls in every sentence like we usually do. I bought a pair of heels from Zara. They're 11 cm which makes me approximately 1,75 m (= taller than Kate Moss.) I also bought a jeans shirt from Weekday Vintage. I'll probably write something on the back with studs.

Right now I'm sitting on my floor in my new heels listening to Forever Young by Alphaville on vinyl. Later I will watch The Virgin Suicides and eat easter candy (I GOT 2 EASTER EGGS WOOP WOOP!!!)

I saw Damian wearing sunglasses and a hoodie so I bought sunglasses and a hoodie.

fredag 6 april 2012


It's the middle of the night and I've just finished watching Girl Interrupted. You know when you watch a movie and you feel like you're still in it even after finished watching? I have sort of a love/hate thing for that feeling. This is my first post on this blog. I don't even know why I made this blog in first place, but it's nice to write in english for a change since I've had my swedish blog since 2008 (under different urls)
I thought I'd post a few of my looks from lookbook on here. I just looked through a bunch of photos on my computer. I love to look through old photos because no matter how much you think you'll remember, you always forget. Even if it's just a bit.

december 8, 2011


december 26, 2011 /faux fur - old

january 22, 2012 /leather jacket - old/ramones t-shirt - old/levis jeans - thrifted (weekday)

january 23, 2012 /tank top - thrifted/levis jeans - thrifted (weekday)

march 26, 2012 /leather jacket - thrifted/shirt - my mum's in the 80s

march 30, 2012 /leather jacket - thrifted/blouse - weekday/shorts - cheap monday